Testing Maemo-wordpy

I finally decided to try and use Maemo-wordpy for posting here on the go. Since version 0.6 beta it features posting on Blogger and it actually works quite good ladies and gentlemen.
One of the new features in this version is support for uploading images on flickr and inserting them in your article all from the same program. Let me try it.

Okay, it works beautifully. So, if you have a blogger account and N8x0, i fully recommend you this small program.

Using Komodo for Python/Perl/Ruby/PHP Maemo Development

Since i didn't find anything about using Komodo instead of the heavy Eclipse for direct scripting development for the tablet, i made a small Komodo command to automate the upload and running the scripts. It's not something hard to do, but i'm sharing it with anyone who wants it.

You will need to use a ssh public key to allow upload without a password. The additional environment vars are used for theming support.

Right now it is intended for Python only and only for the project folder and runs only in Linux (shouldn't be hard to port to Windows with the help of a batch file), any extensions and advices are welcome. Also if someone wants to share any automation for Komodo & Maemo Development is welcome too.

Here it is, import it in your toolbox: